Saturday, December 16, 2006

TOP 10 OF 2006: #9. Beck – The Information

The Information

Though not as consistently excellent as last year’s Guero, The Information is a deep, heavy delight from this postmodern master of cut-and-paste pop, boasting some marvelous tracks, like the quirky piano-driven “Think I’m in Love” and the Rolling Stones-esque raunch of “Strange Apparition.” And then there’s the simply breathtaking “Cellphone’s Dead,” joining together Frankenstein-like a vintage 70s funk lick (nicked from Herbie Hancock and the Headhunters) with Latin-by-way-of-Bollywood house beats and a sublime multi-tracked vocal choir ending, reminiscent of The Beatles’ “A Day in the Life.” If only all the songs lived up to these high water marks—but alas, the album suffers from a bit of sameness.

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